Security and guarding companies in Cairo

Security and guarding companies in Cairo

11 September 2023

Some people believe that the role that security and guarding companies should play is to secure the facility from abroad only, but this is not true, especially with the diversity of services that security and guarding companies can provide in Egypt.

Insurance methods vary from one facility to another, so security and guarding companies in Cairo can play a variety of roles, including:

Securing and protecting establishment buildings and individuals working in them.
Develop disaster or fire emergency plans to evacuate buildings as well as design, install and maintain fire and fire alarm systems.
Develop crisis management plans and strategies and ensure the safety and security of all emergency exits, equipment and devices, and that they are compatible with occupational security and safety procedures
Providing systems related to security and safety, such as surveillance cameras, and determining the types of cameras that can be compatible with the facilities’ insurance needs, the dangers they may be exposed to, and camera maintenance.
Securing and protecting the facility’s files and information through electronic protection systems.
Controlling and controlling the entry and exit points to and from the facility through metal and explosive detectors of various types.
Training individuals who work in protecting facilities or who are responsible for security and safety procedures in companies